Monday, February 28, 2011

Are EBooks Printable? Should They Be?

Are eBooks Printable? Here is the quick answer: Most ebooks are not printable, and if you're not sure whether an ebook is printable, it's best to assume that it is not.

This question regarding whether ebooks are printable or not seems to have become less of an issue over the past year or two, as more ebook reader devices have become available and as they have become more popular. Before that, ebooks were being used on the computer more than they are now. Also, people would often purchase an ebook with the intent of downloading it to their computer and then printing a copy.

Personally, I don't think that's a very good plan. The idea behind this method (I'm guessing) is that you could buy an ebook and print it faster than you could buy a paper book and wait for it to be delivered. But when you consider the cost of printer paper and printer ink, I don't think it makes much sense.

Another situation that might lend itself to printing an ebook is when an independent author has self-published his or her book as an ebook, but it's not available as a paper book. In that case, a person might be interested in the content of the book but not want to read it on their computer screen. In this situation, printing an ebook makes a little more sense, but to me it still seems like too much trouble.

The majority of ebooks are not printable at all. Let's consider each popular ebook format separately:

Kindle AZW Format:

I don't own a Kindle or use Kindle ebooks (I have a BeBook Neo) so I've never tried to print a Kindle ebook. However, I searched Amazon's Kindle Help section and I couldn't find any information about printing at all. This leads me to believe that Kindle ebooks don't have a printing function. Since they are designed to be read on Kindle devices, or other Kindle apps for your computer or mobile devices, it makes sense that a printing function would not have been built into the software.

Microsoft Reader Format:

Microsoft Reader ebooks are not printable at all. Microsoft did not build a printing function into the software.

Mobipocket Reader Format:

Mobipocket Reader ebooks are not printable at all. Again, Mobipocket did not build a printing function into the software. This makes sense because even though Mobipocket ebooks can be read on a Windows PC, they were primarily designed for reading on mobile devices like Blackberrys, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, etc.

Palm eReader Format:

Again, same story. There is no printing function because this software was designed to be used on mobile devices.

EPUB Format:

EPUB ebooks are printable by default. If the EPUB file is being protected by DRM, such as with Adobe's Content Server DRM, then the publisher of the ebook can disable the printing function. If you're not sure whether this has been done, it's safest to assume that you won't be able to print the ebook. Don't buy an ebook with the intention of printing it if you're not sure whether you will be able to print it.

PDF Format:

PDF is the most likely candidate for printing, but you still have to make sure that printing hasn't been disabled by the publisher of the ebook. When a PDF file is created with Adobe Acrobat, the creator of the file can change the document security so that printing is not allowed. (Other features can also be disabled, such as the ability to copy text from the document.)

Other Formats like Word, txt, HTML:

Microsoft Word files, plain text files (.txt) and HTML files are printable. But I don't consider these files types to be real ebooks.

Should eBooks Be Printable?

My answer is: I don't think that ebooks need to be printable. One of the main differences between an ebook and a paper book is that the ebook is not printed on paper. If you buy an ebook and then print it, you lose some of the benefits of ebooks like the fact that they don't use up trees, and the fact that they are digital files that don't take up physical space.

Many book publishers don't want their ebooks to be printable because they are concerned about copyright violations. Printing an ebook multiple times with the intention of re-selling it is much easier than scanning a book and then printing off multiple copies.

There are some cases in which an ebook needs to be printable. Some ebooks contain maps, charts, or other graphics that might need to be printed. There are also ebooks that contain plays or sheet music that might need to be printed by the person who is using them. In those cases, it is important that the book publisher leave the printing function available for the consumer. But like I said above, if you are buying an ebook with the intention of printing it, check with the seller before placing your order.

In a nutshell, you can determine fairly easily whether an ebook will be printable or not if you consider the format of the ebook and whether or not it is protected by DRM. If the ebook is EPUB or PDF, it will probably be printable if there is no DRM present. If the ebook is in a format that was designed for use on e-readers or other mobile devices, then it is not printable. If you're buying a current popular ebook from a mainstream ebook retailer, you should assume that the publisher of the book requires DRM on the download, which will disable printing in most cases.

All in all, if you want a printed book, then buy a printed book.

Jared Scott is an IT professional that has been working in the eBook industry for over ten years. His eBook Reader Software blog is updated regularly with informational posts relating to eBook software.

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