Saturday, February 26, 2011

eBook Writing, My Way

Hello everyone. How is everyone today? I hope all is well in your world. As of lately I have been doing a lot of research on eBook writing which can be used to create huge profits for you if you do all your homework and produce something of value or it can just bring readers to your page if that is what your looking for. So today I am going to lay down some of the basics of eBook writing.

Like any book, an interesting cover will attract the eye of people. This includes the title of the book being very important. But it isn't the cover that keeps them. Most people will sit and read a few paragraphs to see if it is either exciting, informative or interesting enough for them to buy the book. If a reader is reading the book and begins to skip lines (You know what I mean) like they are on line two of a paragraph and skip to the next paragraph before finishing the first paragraph, chances are that they don't like what they are reading. They will also, sometimes scan through the indexed content or chapters to see if they find something that they can relate to or are interested in.

Well eBook writing is the same with the exception that eBook covers are not what usually catches the readers attention it is the Title of the eBook. Yes, the cover or graphic you have to display your eBook may attract the reader, but not in most cases.

eBooks are not just to produce a new product for launch like an online program to help people make money online with certain techniques, it can be a FREE eBook giveaway to promote a niche or a product you have a campaign about.

As I see it there are several rules to writing eBooks and I will write about each one that seem important to me. This is not for everyone, it is my opinion and I don't guarantee any results from following my tactics of writing eBooks. This is just to give people a basic understanding of eBook writing (BTW, these are also good tips for Article writing without affiliate links. Most article submission sites don't like affiliate links.) So with that said, here we go:


Now this is a place where most people get stuck. And of course if your not the writing type and your doing this for a niche (Product your promoting or affiliate marketing) then it can be a task looked upon as very difficult. But remember, if your writing an eBook (Electronic Book) then this means that you have access to a computer and Internet. So in turn, it becomes a little easier. You have the world right at your finger tips to do all the research you need. For me this is the most difficult and boring writing about it is easy. A few suggestions: First, what are the reasons for this eBook: Profits, Enjoyment, Teaching. Whatever it may be figure this out first. If this doesn't help make a list of things you enjoy e.g. Hobbies, Sports, Trades, etc. One other thing you can do is make a list of things you know well and can do for hours or talk about for hours because basically, a eBook is just your words in a computer generated book. So the more you know, the more you like the subject, or the more you believe in the product or subject the better the book will turn out and the easier it is to produce and sell.


This part takes the longest and can be very time consuming, but with proper keyword searches it can go pretty fast. Then there's the matter of compiling the information into a effective or attractive format to your readers. Now if your an expert on the subject, all the better. This will make the task of research much easier.

For Profit -

If your writing for profit, One thing I do recommend when doing your research, if at all possible (unless it's a completely new subject or type of product), get some content in your eBook that talks about how good the product/s or subject/s your talking about is. Some testimonials from other authors, teachers, etc. that will justify your words of wisdom or your products. Now if your doing this eBook for a certain niche (Affiliate Product/s) and don't know to much about the product/s, find everything you can to help you gain knowledge of the product/s (Affiliate Campaigns). This will help you for one, know if the product/s is any good, two, familiarize you with the product/s and three, give you writing material to promote the product/s. Research for a new product like an eBook for teaching people how to do something and it's for profit, your research will be different. You must research your competitors sites, one, to help you know your competition and who they are and their techniques (If you can find the information or may already have purchased it), two, to be able to explain with conviction how your product or eBook is better (In Detail if possible, comparisons) and three, build your Authority status by referring to several topics about your product in detail thus showing your readers and potential consumers you know what your talking about.

For Exposure -

This is the FREE eBook I mentioned earlier. This can either be a eBook to get people to buy your product/s (Promoted Affiliate Product/s) or interest them in a New product/s launch coming soon. It is also generally used on an opt-in page to create a email mailing list for further advertisements. Follow the steps above for this eBook as well.

For Pleasure -

This is easy. You don't expect to make money in most cases and your basically writing about stuff you like whether it is teaching or a activity. Again, do some research on the subject as to add more content for your readers to have fun reading about what you like e.g. Hiking: Talk about all the places you have hiked and do some research on places you would like to go and hike so the reader will be interested in coming back to read more upon your next entry. Talk about some funny or embarrassing moments for laughs and stuff like this.


This is the most important part of the eBook. After you have chosen your subject and have done all your research you must then come up with a catchy or exciting title. A dull or boring title will have people just pass right by your eBook without a second glance. It is the second glance that draws them in. They see the title and then, BAMM, they have to look again. And now they want to know more about it. So really put a lot of effort into this part, because you only get one shot with each person on first glance. Of course if you spam the airwaves about your eBook and they see lots of articles about it they may come back, but the best shot you have is the first one, remember, First Impressions.


Now depending on the subject or product your writing about this will make a difference in your writing. If you go to a comedy club, you are expecting good comedians, right. So you are going their for entertainment and hopefully to get a good laugh. Same when writing your eBook, you must calculate who your targeted audience will be, if any e.g. youth, elders, sports, etc. In some cases you can leave it as targeted to the general public but not recommend. A more targeted audience will generate more income for you if this is what your eBook is about.


Now you can begin to build your structure of your book. You have the research, title and audience focus. Now it's time to fill the body of the eBook. The way you structure your book will either captivate your readers or put them to sleep and we don't want them sleeping half way through your ebook. Again there are a few different ways to structure your eBook.

For Profit or Exposure-

Promoting a product/s, it is necessary to keep them excited all the way through. Also, make sure to explain everything your talking about in simple,easy to understand words. Unless this is a High Tech eBook, complicated and big words are not necessary, the simpler the better (But not childish).

1. The Opening Statements or Product/Subject:

Be specific and very welcoming to your audience. Make them feel like you appreciated them and get them excited real quick. Give some details about yourself and some explanation about the Product/Subject before the pitch.

2. Your opinion about the Subject/s or Product/s:

This is where you give your expertise on what it is that you are writing about and testimonials to reinforce that structure. This is also where you can do some lite pitching about the Product/s or subject/s. Make sure you keep the excitement levels high here to draw them to the bottom of the page if they don't hop on in the first lite pitch you spring on them.

3. Pictures:

It is also good to use some good visuals within your eBook to help your readers relate to your Product/s or Subject/s a little better. You can include pictures of your techniques, profits, software features and much more. I do recommend this as it adds to the professionalism of the eBook. A nice looking header at the top of your first page would be great as well.

4. Readable Content:

Make sure that you use a nice font like Verdana or Tahoma about 10 to 12 point for easy reading. It is important that the text is easy to read. This is for Profit, Exposure or Pleasure writing.

5. Helpfulness:

Make sure that your writings give the readers something that is helpful to them. If you help people you gain respect. Helpful tips are a great thing, it builds rapport with your readers. It also is good (If applicable) to make sure that if your book is about helping people that you recognize what their problems could be (According to the Topic) and you and address them in full detail. It will help you in the future if you ever recommend anything else or launch your own product someday, you will have a loyal audience to pitch to.

6. Legal Stuff:

Make sure that you let people know that you make no guarantees that the product creates success, you know the legal stuff. Everyone does things different, even if you let them know that following the program or product step by step will make them money, there are always situations that could and will arise that you have no control over and making 100% guarantees is a bit dangerous.

7. Affiliate Links:

If your doing this to sell Affiliate products, make sure you leave room to put your ads within your body content. Example. Your product is strategies and techniques for making money online. Leave a spot either for a text link, opt-in area that leads to the sale page or picture link for your products. You can also put other products to sell within the text body as well if you have several products. Make sure they are related in some way to each other.

8. Thank You:

Finish up with a thank you area expressing your thanks for them taking their time to download your eBook, purchase your eBook or your product/s. This is also a good place to show a few more of the products you have if any that you may not have shown through the other parts of the eBook.

For Pleasure -

1. You can follow the same structure, just leave out all the affiliate marketing talk. 2. Basically and intro of yourself, The body of your story and a ending with a Thank You to your readers. It really depends on what your doing with your eBook.


Go out and promote your eBook where you can, build a Pitch Page/Landing Page and use the same techniques you used in your eBook to keep the excitement going all through the page with testimonials, visuals, profits you made (If applicable) and an opt-in area if this is for a FREE eBook. Make some article write-ups, a Blog or Website or articles for further information about yourself, your eBook and other product/s you may be promoting. And now you can call yourself a genuine Author.

I know I may have left out something. But these are the most important things I came up with right at the moment. As I learn so will you (If you read my articles), this I can promise. I do research everyday in order to improve myself which will improve my families life. That is my goal, to improve my families present day living and future living. And if I help people along the way, thats just fine with me. Peace and GOD speed and good luck in all your endeavors.

About the Author: Geronimo Rubio is a Affiliate marketer/Author in the business of Online Marketing or Affiliate Marketing. His website is a gathering of information for beginner and advanced marketers showing them the techniques being used in todays Online businesses. He offers links to FREE software, eBooks, his personal articles and his collection of information to help people along in their endeavors. He also makes available New and Older softwares and programs for purchase that have had success in the World of Affiliate Marketing and with work and persistence will help your Online Business grow. You can find his website here: [] or contact him here:

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