Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ebooks are Promotional Powerhouses for Newbies

Ebooks are Newbies' Best Friend, and are the quickest way to break into making money online.

Ebook products have become the most significant weapon with which to dominate making money online in cyberspace. They are a powerful medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. As the number of people accessing the Internet grows, the exposure of your ebook increases accordingly. It's obvious why electronic self-publishing has become so popular so quickly.

Take a look at what makes ebooks so important and so unique. Ebooks have certain abilities and qualities that other mediums do not possess. Comparing e-books with printed books is like comparing night and day, or apples and oranges. Each has it's own unique properties, unique advantages that don't detract from the other. The publishing industry need not fear the tremendous growth of ebooks. Books in print have their own special qualities and merits, and the world need not fear their disappearance. Each serves a purpose that can not be replaced by the other.

Look at the purpose that e-books serve.

Downloadable ebooks are fairly easy to produce, and their production cost is not expensive. Just think about it: you don't need a publisher, an agent, a printing press, offset film, ink, paper, or even a distributor. You just need a great concept, the ability to write it or to hire a writer to write it, and the right software. Most ebooks are created with ebook software, and mostly in PDF format. That in effect is the most important software you need to use, to become an ebook publisher.

How about distribution? What could be easier and faster than distributing online. They're even easy to update; they don't require a second print run and the delays that it takes. All you need is to go into your original version, which is usually in MS Word document format, and modify the text or graphics. Take your modified version and create a new PDF product. Call it Version 1.5 or V2, etc. Copies are free to make, because you don't have to store copies. They are created when your customer downloads it from your website. What is easier than storing one original copy on your computer, and send out unlimited copies digitally.

Ebooks are interactive. This is the most unique feature that ebooks offer. Your ebook can include surveys that need to be filled out, order forms for your products, and graphics and images. The most recent developments of having sound and video draw your reader into the virtual world of your ebook. You can access the Internet from links in your ebook, and this may expand your ebook outward. The potential is virtually unlimited.

Ebook Products have a permanence that other mediums lack. Television and radio shows usually air once. They may rerun a few times, and then are forgotten. Ebooks remain on your computer for as long as you choose. If, in your ebook, you include the direct link to your web site, your book becomes "viral". The expansion, or growth, that this means, happens when people give copies of your free ebooks or reports to their friends or subscribers.

ebooks don't take you through the trauma of publishing. You don't have to shell out thousands of dollars for printing a self-published book. Neither do you need an agent to submit your work to the publishers. All ebooks require is a writer and ebook software. Figure out your market, write your book, post it on your website, and if you develop the right business savvy, your audience will come to you.

How to Use ebooks for Marketing Your Business.

Content is king online, but regardless of your business, you can take what you know and turn out your own private label ebook. You control the ebook rights and your name is on it.

There are innumerable ways to use ebooks to promote your business and drive quality traffic to your website. Once posted on your site, you can turn them into a daily course, which brings your customer back to read the next chapter. You can use them as a free gift for making a purchase or for filling out a survey. Put your ebook on a disc, and you will have an innovative brochure. Blow your competition away by inserting the disc into your sales packages.

The most effective marketing products are those that are unique. Copyright your ebook, and immediately, you have a powerful tool that you can offer to the public. Visiters coming to your site to acquire your ebook, will increase the flow of quality traffic and the potential of sales increasing.

Keep your ebook current. Update it as the market and trends change. Be sure to state on your sales page that Updates to your ebook are Free for Life. By constantly keeping abreast of new trends and techniques, you can continue to see profits from your ebook for years.

Ebooks even allow you to learn about your market and customer habits and motivation over a period of time, without risking your precious financial resources. They also provide you with an invaluable way to gather marketing information, which you can use in many different facets of your business.

You can extend the value of a single ebook by creating variations of it. Create a free mini-course with the high-lites of your work, and use as a teaser to tempt people to buy the ebook. Make sure to give lots of good info, but not too much. There must be lots of info left to justify buying the complete ebook.

Using free reports to promote your business helps to cut the cost of individually producing separate promotional materials. You can use a short ebook or report to entice new prospects and to sell new products to your current customers.

Ebooks are a powerful and dynamite medium with the ability to expand your e-business. Ebooks are promotional powerhouses for newbies. Newbies need to realize that e-books are the starting point of your making money online and enjoying success. From basic ebooks, you will graduate to including links to audio products, and to the current trend in 2007 of including video. Video is where it's at these days, but you need to start with basics. e-books will never die, they are continually expanding.

Fred Farah

copyright 2007

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