The search giant is showing eBook publishers how it is done.
Google (GOOG), along with blog posts and emails, sends printed newsletters out to its UK advertising partners?frequently. ?This week however, it sent out a short book about data, called?Think Quarterly, to a small number of partners.
The?companion?website or eBook is just lovely and shows Google has some long form chops:
At Google, we often think that speed is the forgotten 'killer application' – the ingredient that can differentiate winners from the rest. We know that the faster we deliver results, the more useful people find our service.
But in a world of accelerating change, we all need time to reflect. Think Quarterly is a breathing space in a busy world. It's a place to take time out and consider what's happening and why it matters.
Our?first issue is dedicated to Data – amongst a morass of information, how can you find the magic metrics that will help transform your business? We hope that you find inspiration, insights, and more, in Think Quarterly.
The eBook looks great in a Flash-based browser or in its iPad or mobile form and the content is engaging. The next version of Think Quarterly is due in May.
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