It started with Amazon UK coming out yesterday to announce that ebook sales for their Kindle book reader are more then two to one compared to hardcover sales. Now, it’s the US side of the operation that is coming out with their own numbers. Like their UK counterparts, similar trends have been observed with the US arm confirming that sales of the electronic books are greater then the sales of both hardcover and paperback combined.
The growth of ebooks have been quite strong with sales steadily increasing. When you compare the numbers from 2010 and 2011, we see that so far this year, ebook sales are three times greater then what they were over the same time span last year. With numbers such as this, you may expect to see the company post some strong numbers and this is exactly what is observed. Amazon has confirmed that in regards to their book business, the year over year growth has been the fastest observed in their history, both in terms of numbers sold and dollars.
Amazon’s library of books now comes in at 950,000 titles strong with nearly 20% of the titles (175,000 titles) having been added in just the last 5 months. Paper copies of books have a greater cost associated with them, both in terms of production and distribution, so with ebooks now taking off, we have to wonder how long it will be before we see at least publisher move to a digital only distribution method.
Via: Pocket Lint
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