Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Microsoft Bringing 300+ eBooks for Kids with TouchyBooks to Windows Phone

World's leading children's eBook publisher to offer over 300 interactive titles by the end of June.

New York, NY (PRWEB) June 21, 2011

Think you are a pretty harsh book critic? Try setting a sub-par eBook in front of a three year old and see how long it holds their attention! Microsoft knows it – and instead of allowing any old scanned pdf version of books for kids into the Window Phone 7 Marketplace, the Marketplace has starting hand picking some of the best content available and porting them over to their mobile platform. With that in mind, they have reached out to leading children’s eBook publisher Touchybooks to bring over 300 interactive titles by the end of June. The first 150 have already appeared in the store, with twenty more appearing each day to fit the tight schedule.

We are all aware that digital books are on a gargantuan rise. Amazon has declared that their digital books are outselling their print books only four years after the format launch. This may or may not be a shock to the established publishing industry but it is no surprise to many in the world of technology. eBooks are a multimillion dollar business, a fact not lost to the team at Microsoft looking to increase the children’s book app content on their mobile Windows Phone platform. “The interactive books for kids by Touchybooks are amazing experiences that really add value to Windows Phone Marketplace. Microsoft and Windows Phone really back these types of projects”, said Isabel Gomez Miragaya, Applications and Games Manager for Windows Phone.

TouchyBooks is no stranger to digital publishing, as an eBook publisher and a unique and highly successful eBookstore exclusively for children’s books with over 500,000 downloads in 90 countries and growing (and that is just on iPhone and iPad), it is the world’s leading digital children’s bookstore offering hundreds books – all while still being confined to Apple’s iPhone and iPad platforms. With the backing of Microsoft, and the soon to be released version of TouchyBooks stories for the Android operating system and also for the BlackBerry PlayBook, TouchyBooks children’s stories and bookstore will be available on the majority of mobile devices worldwide.

TouchyBooks is a leader in the multimillion dollar eBook trend that continues to grow and increase its influence in the digital publishing industry all around the globe. TouchyBooks averages two new titles per week in four languages: English, Spanish, French and German. Italian language editions are planned for June 2011.

Please let me know if you’re interested in learning more about TouchyBooks or would like access codes to experience TouchyBooks, story experiences that touch the hearts of parents and children alike!

About Touchybooks
TouchyBooks stories are beautiful interactive eBooks for kids ages 2-7, featuring adapted text and language for beginning readers, with text narration offering ‘Read by Myself’ and ‘Read to Me’ options for most of the stories. Each title includes colorful and child friendly illustrations.

Priced from $0.99 - $3.99, with free demo versions, TouchyBooks also features drag and drop articles, hot spots, sound effects, background music, and multi-animation touch – i.e. if you touch it again, it does something new.


Frank Ruiz
Appency for TouchyBooks
Email Information

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