BURLINGAME, Calif., May 31, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Rosemary Hershey, author of Diet-Bailout, unveils her anti-diet weight loss eBook using a business plan that helps women take back their power, change habits and lose weight.
According to Hershey, overweight women need to change their diet dialogue with themselves and break out of the on/off cycle in which they are trapped.
Women need a platform that teaches more than what to eat; women need to discover why they eat. Diets lack help for what really matters, how to neutralize urges and hot buttons and win the war with self. Instead, diets do food, a side skirmish in the ongoing battle of the bulge.
Hershey's book offers an eye-opening look at the dynamics of the on/off diet culture and the many ways it traps women. What readers can expect to learn from Diet-Bailout is the core management system to run the business of living life successfully, such as:
How to Leverage How You OperateDiet Turnaround Action PlanDiet Risk Management ToolsAsset/Liabilities/Solutions GridPower Words GridObstacles and Reverse Therapy AnalysisAt-risk Eating SensorsHabit Buster SolutionsBody Language and EatingMental Exercise ProgramHow to Cut Calories and Lose Weight PermanentlyWeight Loss ScriptingDaily Operating ProceduresDiet-Bailout is a hands-on plan to empower women to give up the fantasy that a diet will change their lives. It won't. A diet is a temporary solution that does not last because when the diet ends, everything ends with it and your old habits and weight returns.
Hershey discusses her position that people are always on a diet because people eat every day to feed themselves and sustain their lives. We are always on a diet and it's how we manage that diet that matters. It's how you relate to yourself and the world through food every day, not sporadically, that creates stability.
Women have been misled and need to believe it's about the food they eat. It's about why you eat. It's about giving up what you can't have, an easy fix and putting on the war paint to take a stand and make your life happen. And that takes a new perspective to live aware, ready and courageous enough to go within.
Hershey's Diet-Bailout is that journey wrapped in a business structure that teaches women to process what really matters -- their business of living their lives successfully.
For a free chapter of Diet-Bailout, visit: http://Diet-Bailout.com.
Rosemary Hershey is an entrepreneur with experience owning and operating several businesses, including a women's weight management program. Rosemary has written over 50 articles on weight loss and dieting and currently is an independent contractor for examiner.com as the SF Women's Fitness Examiner.
CONTACT INFO: Press & Media quotes
650 340-8835, rosemary@pernatravel.com
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